SUZI Akcije
Održano predavanje: "High-performance steel structures for seismic applications"- Professor Tony T.Y. Yang

U sredu 22. februara 2023. održano je prvo SUZI predavanje u 2023. godini: High-performance steel structures for seismic applications. Predavač je bio Tony T.Y. Yang, Ph.D., P.Eng., Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and Director of the Smart Structures Laboratory, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 

Predavanju je prisustvovalo 60 učesnika.

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Recent earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand have shown that even the most developed countries with modern building codes are still vulnerable to strong earthquake shaking. Earthquake losses can be minimized using high-performance earthquake resilient structures, in which designated structural fuses (dampers) are used to dissipate the sudden surge of earthquake energy. In this lecture the focus is on steel structures equipped with the dampers. Implementation of innovative earthquake resilient technologies has been hindered by a lack of practical design procedure that can be used by design engineers. In this presentation, a novel design procedure, named equivalent energy-based design procedure (EEDP), will be presented and its application on seismic design of structures equipped with dampers will be illustrated. 

Biografija predavača: Dr Tony Yang is a professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He received B.Sc. (2001) and M.Sc. (2002) degrees in civil engineering from the University of Buffalo, USA, and Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Berkeley in 2006. His research focus is on improving the structural performance through advanced analytical simulation and experimental testing. Prof. Yang’s research has been widely applied in national and international research and code committees. He has published over 100 peer reviewed journal papers and has given over 100 invited lectures in many leading research institutes worldwide.  Prof. Yang’s web page with more detailed  biography:

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U sredu 22. februara 2023. održano je prvo SUZI predavanje u 2023. godini: High-performance steel structures for seismic applications. Predavač je bio Tony T.Y. Yang, Ph.D., P.Eng., Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and Director of the Smart Structures Laboratory, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 

Predavanju je prisustvovalo 60 učesnika.

U nastavku se nalazi abstrakt predavanja, biografija i reference predavača, kao i snimak i slajdovi sa predavanja.


Recent earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand have shown that even the most developed countries with modern building codes are still vulnerable to strong earthquake shaking. Earthquake losses can be minimized using high-performance earthquake resilient structures, in which designated structural fuses (dampers) are used to dissipate the sudden surge of earthquake energy. In this lecture the focus is on steel structures equipped with the dampers. Implementation of innovative earthquake resilient technologies has been hindered by a lack of practical design procedure that can be used by design engineers. In this presentation, a novel design procedure, named equivalent energy-based design procedure (EEDP), will be presented and its application on seismic design of structures equipped with dampers will be illustrated. 

Biografija predavača: Dr Tony Yang is a professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He received B.Sc. (2001) and M.Sc. (2002) degrees in civil engineering from the University of Buffalo, USA, and Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Berkeley in 2006. His research focus is on improving the structural performance through advanced analytical simulation and experimental testing. Prof. Yang’s research has been widely applied in national and international research and code committees. He has published over 100 peer reviewed journal papers and has given over 100 invited lectures in many leading research institutes worldwide.  Prof. Yang’s web page with more detailed  biography:

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