SUZI Akcije
Održano predavanje: "Enhancing In-Plane Performance of Masonry Walls through Soft Layer Membranes: An Encapsulation" - Dr Nebojša Mojsilović

U četvrtak, 21. novembra 2024. godine od 17:00-18:00, na engleskom jeziku putem Zoom platforme, održano je peto SUZI predavanje u 2024. godini: "Enhancing In-Plane Performance of Masonry Walls through Soft Layer Membranes: An Encapsulation".

Predavač je bio Dr Nebojša Mojsilović, Senior Scientist at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering ETH Zürich, Switzerland.

U nastavku se nalaze apstrakt predavanja, biografija predavača, slajdovi sa predavanja, kao i snimak predavanja.


Over the past fifteen years, ETH Zurich has conducted an extensive series of static-cyclic shear tests on various masonry elements, including triplets, wallettes, and full-scale unreinforced masonry (URM) walls. These tests encompassed configurations both with and without soft layer membranes (see pictures below) strategically placed in the bed joint to induce sliding. From this research emerged the concept of the multi-layer bottom bed joint, featuring a core soft layer flanked by two layers of extruded elastomer, positioned within the mortar joint. This presentation offers an overview of the experimental work undertaken, detailing the development of the multi-layer bottom bed joint and its implications. Additionally, the session will provide a concise summary of key findings from other research areas within the Structural Masonry Group at ETH Zurich, including investigations into the deformation capacity of structural masonry, hybrid testing methodologies, advanced measurement techniques, and the reliability of structural masonry.

Biografija predavača:

Dr. Nebojša Mojsilović, is a Senior Scientist at ETH Zurich, focusing on structural engineering with a specialization in masonry structures. With a career spanning over many years, Dr. Mojsilović has dedicated his career to research and education in this field. Dr. Mojsilović's primary research interests encompass a wide array of topics related to structural masonry, including the deformation capacity of masonry, the application of limit analysis techniques, seismic response modification strategies utilizing soft layer membranes, hybrid testing methodologies, and the reliability of structural masonry. Throughout his career, Dr. Mojsilović has authored and co-authored approximately 100 referred journal and conference papers, along with technical reports. In recognition of his outstanding contributions to masonry research, he was honored with the prestigious John B. Scalzi Research Award by The Masonry Society (TMS) in 2020. Dr. Mojsilović's influence extends beyond his research endeavors. He actively participates in various professional organizations, holding key positions such as Chairman of the Research Committee and representative on the Board of Directors within The Masonry Society (TMS). Additionally, he is recognized as a Fellow of the International Masonry Society (IMS) and serves as Chairman of the Swiss Structural Masonry Code Committee. In addition to his academic pursuits at ETH Zurich, Dr. Mojsilović has shared his expertise as a visiting academic at esteemed institutions worldwide, including the University of Newcastle Australia, the University of Genoa, and the Technical University of Milan, Italy.

Slajdovi sa predavanja

U četvrtak, 21. novembra 2024. godine od 17:00-18:00, na engleskom jeziku putem Zoom platforme, održano je peto SUZI predavanje u 2024. godini: "Enhancing In-Plane Performance of Masonry Walls through Soft Layer Membranes: An Encapsulation".

Predavač je bio Dr Nebojša Mojsilović, Senior Scientist at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering ETH Zürich, Switzerland.

U nastavku se nalaze apstrakt predavanja, biografija predavača, slajdovi sa predavanja, kao i snimak predavanja.


Over the past fifteen years, ETH Zurich has conducted an extensive series of static-cyclic shear tests on various masonry elements, including triplets, wallettes, and full-scale unreinforced masonry (URM) walls. These tests encompassed configurations both with and without soft layer membranes (see pictures below) strategically placed in the bed joint to induce sliding. From this research emerged the concept of the multi-layer bottom bed joint, featuring a core soft layer flanked by two layers of extruded elastomer, positioned within the mortar joint. This presentation offers an overview of the experimental work undertaken, detailing the development of the multi-layer bottom bed joint and its implications. Additionally, the session will provide a concise summary of key findings from other research areas within the Structural Masonry Group at ETH Zurich, including investigations into the deformation capacity of structural masonry, hybrid testing methodologies, advanced measurement techniques, and the reliability of structural masonry.

Biografija predavača:

Dr. Nebojša Mojsilović, is a Senior Scientist at ETH Zurich, focusing on structural engineering with a specialization in masonry structures. With a career spanning over many years, Dr. Mojsilović has dedicated his career to research and education in this field. Dr. Mojsilović's primary research interests encompass a wide array of topics related to structural masonry, including the deformation capacity of masonry, the application of limit analysis techniques, seismic response modification strategies utilizing soft layer membranes, hybrid testing methodologies, and the reliability of structural masonry. Throughout his career, Dr. Mojsilović has authored and co-authored approximately 100 referred journal and conference papers, along with technical reports. In recognition of his outstanding contributions to masonry research, he was honored with the prestigious John B. Scalzi Research Award by The Masonry Society (TMS) in 2020. Dr. Mojsilović's influence extends beyond his research endeavors. He actively participates in various professional organizations, holding key positions such as Chairman of the Research Committee and representative on the Board of Directors within The Masonry Society (TMS). Additionally, he is recognized as a Fellow of the International Masonry Society (IMS) and serves as Chairman of the Swiss Structural Masonry Code Committee. In addition to his academic pursuits at ETH Zurich, Dr. Mojsilović has shared his expertise as a visiting academic at esteemed institutions worldwide, including the University of Newcastle Australia, the University of Genoa, and the Technical University of Milan, Italy.

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